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Resound hearing aids have been catalogued as some of the most scientifically advanced hearing amplifiers on the market. The explanation might be the identical reason ReSound has been in the hearing help producing business for so very long, and that is they put folk first. Hearing aid devices have to be developed and built with […]
ReSound, the parent company of Beltone is a Dutch company that produces extremely high quality digital hearing aids. Although many of the digital hearing aids that are produced by ReSound use the same circuitry as many of the Beltone models, they are almost half the price. With ReSound hearing aids you will find that many […]
There are millions of people around the world that suffer from some type of hearing loss and over 75% of those people are between the ages of 55 and 75 years old. Normally the people that are in the higher age bracket are typically the ones that are suffering from the most hearing loss. Some […]
Musicians live in a world of, well, really loud noise. I’m referring to the amount of db volume pumped through those mega stacks of amplifiers. Unfortunately over a period of time all that loud music can eventually ruin your hearing, and worse give you one hell of a case of tinnitus. And no, tinnitus is […]