Custom Made Earplugs for Musicians
Musicians live in a world of, well, really loud noise. I’m referring to the amount of db volume pumped through those mega stacks of amplifiers. Unfortunately over a period of time all that loud music can eventually ruin your hearing, and worse give you one hell of a case of tinnitus. And no, tinnitus is not something you get from stepping on a rusty nail. It is permanent damage to your ears that result in a constant ringing or buzzing noise. And the bad part is, it never goes away. Custom made ear plugs will ensure you have maximum protection for your years yet allow sound to travel in so you are hearing sounds as they are meant to be.

Custom Made Ear Plugs
Protection of the ears is crucial, especially if you plan on being a musician, or any other profession where loud noises are prevalent. But you can’t just buy any old earplug off the shelf of your nearest pharmacy, because they don’t really work. You may think they offer a level of protection only to find out a few years down the road that you hearing has diminished.
Custom earplugs are they only way to go if you’re looking for real protection. But custom earplugs are more than just protection. Custom earplugs are designed to be unique to each user. Furthermore, custom made earplugs let you hear music and speech as clearly as if you were not wearing them.
Oh, I see I have your attention now. You read that right. Custom earplugs are designed in such a way as to give you the protection you need, but allows for clear sound. You’ll still be able to hear every note played and every word spoken but without the damaging affects that an unprotected ear can incur.
And you don’t have to be a rock star to order custom earplugs. If you work in a noisy environment, like construction, these custom made earplugs can keep your hearing from permanent damage, yet you’ll still be able to hear the foreman call out instructions.
You invest a lot of money into musical equipment; you owe it to yourself to invest in protecting your hearing for life.
Vivid Hearing can make custom made ear plugs for you in Perth.
Category: Hearing
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