Tips for garden maintenance in winter
Perth Tree Lopping and Services
The end of summer does not mean the end of gardening, the long months of winter brings wind, snow and sleet along with it that can really damage your garden, no matter how well maintained it may be. One can really use the services of a tree lopping expert to get help with the maintenance of your garden. Preparing your garden for winter is a never ending task and although you cannot complete protect your garden from winter damage, the following tips will surely help you to minimize this damage.
- Protecting your potted plants
If the winters are mild then you don’t need to worry too much, but in case of harsh winters, you are best advised to move your pots into a shed to protect the plants and also avoid buying a new pot at the end of the winter.
- Adding compost to soil
Although plants and trees do not bear any flowers or fruits during winter, but it is a good exercise to add compost to your soil just before the advent of winter so that your evergreens can get enough nutrients from the soil to survive the winter.
- Clear debris
There is lot debris formed in winter, it’s mainly the snow and the dead or damaged plants or the fallen branches of trees. If there are many trees on your garden with crossed branches, this can potentially damage the trees apart from causing any damage to any property during storms, it is better to call tree services Perth to take care of your problem.
- Watering
One must not forget that plants and trees need water even in winter. Make sure that you water them regularly but do not overdo it as this can cause the plants and trees to freeze. The pipe carrying your hose should be insulated to avoid the water freezing inside it.
- Lopping of trees
Lopping of trees is an important exercise not only from the point of view of keeping your garden healthy, but also make aesthetically appealing. You can hire the services of tree lopping Perth.
It is not worth climbing trees and roofs and risking your life to chop off branches and prune trees, it is advisable to hire companies providing tree services or tree lopping , with their right equipments and expert workforce; they can easy take care of your garden.
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