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How to Choose Your Garage Door

| 15/05/2013

Choosing a garage door is always of vital importance to the homeowner. The garage door must be strong and must be able to resist temperature fluctuations as well. However, on a number of occasions, people simply buy a door that looks good, without giving a thought to what the door is made of and how much value will it really bring. Therefore, if you are planning to buy a garage door anytime soon read this guide and chose only the best.

  • The material- Well, we must always start from the basics first. The materials used normally for garage doors are steel, wood, aluminum, fiberglass and vinyl. Steel and vinyl usually last longer, wood looks more classy and aluminum when mixed with glass gives a very modern look to the door. It should depend on your choice but steel and vinyl are mostly recommended
  • Construction of the door- You must be really careful about this. There are single, double and triple layer doors available in the market as of now. The single layer doors are the cheapest with only one layer of steel. Double and triple layer doors have additional layers of polyurethane. This also improves the insulation of the garage and is soundproof as well. So, unless you are not on a very tight budget, you should get at least a double layer door.

Busselton Garage Doors

  • Check if you need windows- Windows in the garage door improve the aesthetic value of the door and also provide some ventilation when needed. Therefore, if you wish you can even get windows installed on the garage door at either the top end or the bottom end, nowhere else.
  • Spring of the door and functionality- this is the most important factor that will govern your buying decision of the garage door. Always look for counterbalance springs that are placed safely inside a tube so that you never get hurt while working with them. This type of springs are often the best to work with. These are the parts that make the functioning of the door very smooth, so pay special attention to them.
  • Garage Door Opener- This is a small but important part of the garage door purchases that you will be making. Make sure that it comes from a good and reliable company and also functions smoothly. Also, make sure that there is enough horse power in the opener as heavier doors tends to take more time and energy.

Whether its for your home in Perth or your holiday home in Busselton Garage Doors, make sure you do the research before investing in your Garage Doors in Busselton or Perth.

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