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Solar Panel Servicing

| 14/12/2011

Because of the need for sustainable energy, there is becoming an ever growing need for solar power. With this need also comes the need to have these systems installed professionally. Once they’ve been installed and perform at maximum levels for a certain period of time, as with any type of equipment, they will need to be serviced. The good news is you will find Perth solar panel servicing companies available that can perform this service for you at a fairly decent cost. Long ago, servicing these panels required them to be shut down and partially disassembled. Those days are gone and there is a newer technology available that can help with servicing, and it takes less time and costs less as well.

perth solar panels inspections

Thermal image of a solar panel

When it comes to making sure your panels are working at maximum levels, they will need to be serviced regularly. Although solar panels are a very durable and a relatively easy concept to understand, they will still need to be maintained on a regular basis. The only moving parts in a solar energy system will be the pump if you have a solar hot water heating system. A lot of the earlier designs as far as the panels are concerned did have their issues and if you own any of these earlier versions it will be in your best interest to make sure your panels get the appropriate attention. The reason for this is the newer panels that are available are made using some pretty tough materials.

If you would like to have a thermal image of your solar panel to see if it’s working properly, you can engage Scantherma to do it for you. This thermal photo will show you if you need a solar panel service or replacement.

The earlier versions were made from materials that were very fragile making these panels more likely to be damaged during hail, sand, or really fierce rain storms. For this reason it will be that much better to have a renewable energy company come in and perform an initial servicing to make sure your panels are operating at maximum levels. There are companies available today that use a method which is very easy and less time consuming when checking the panels for imperfection. The system used is thermal imaging or thermography.

This newer technology allows the service provider to come in and scan or inspect all your panels relatively easy. Regardless of where they are located whether on the roof or the side of a building, they can perform a scan in less time than it used to take for a service provider to climb on the roof and manually check your panels. Another item of importance is the fact that a thermal scan will also provide information as to anomalies that may exist on your panels as well. These can be in the form of small pits or chips in the solar panel glass that could potentially create an even bigger problem down the road.

Inspect your solar panels

If you’ve experienced a sand or hail storm, sometime the panels will suffer damage in the form of pits or hairline fractures which in turn will allow the panels to emit energy (heat). This will decrease performance and eventually provide less efficient power generation. In order to make sure you are getting maximum performance for your investment, it will be very important to have these panels serviced by a professional at regular intervals. Now, once you’ve had a service provider come in and check your panels, there are some things you may want to consider.

They will normally provide you with a detailed report which confirms everything that has been found through their initial inspection. They will also provide you with information as to preventative maintenance and items to look for when a service may be needed in the future. Sometimes potential problem areas may show up, and if this is the case these areas will need attention which will ensure you do not have a loss of energy in the future. You will discover that there are professional services that will come in, perform and inspection, and have the answers to your problems very quickly.

Because solar panels are becoming more and more popular, there is a need to have solar panel servicing on a more consistent basis. If you own solar panels and would like to have a service provider come out and perform and initial inspection, you will find a few professional services available in Western Australia that will be more than equipped to handle the appointment for you.

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Category: Solar Panels

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